Been a While!

Hi Everyone! I just sat here for about 30 minutes reading over our previous blogs, watching videos, and had a huge cry sesh. It’s hard to believe that we’ve experienced that much LIFE in less than 2 years!! And if you haven’t already heard, we are adding to our craziness by welcoming another BABY GIRL to the Heasley fam this September. Even though Hattie doesn’t really realize what’s going on yet, I can tell she’s going to be the most amazing big sister.

            Hattie had a Neurologist appointment a few months back, and Dr. Walleigh told me that a sibling would be really great for Hattie’s development. Hattie loves to watch other babies, and even thinks the little noises that they make are funny. David and I both know that our second baby will probably pass Hattie in development, but we are prepared and okay with that. We are so excited for this little babe to come in September, and even more excited to watch Hattie with her new little sister.

            A lot of people have asked if we are doing genetic testing with this baby, and the answer is yes. ALSO- David and I did get tested to see if we were carriers of the gene of Hattie’s deletion, and neither of us are. The chances of any of our other children having a 1q4 deletion would be 1 in a billion, just like it was with Hattie. Even though we are doing extra genetic testing with this second pregnancy, I just want to be clear with something. No matter what the outcome is of the testing, it will not change our plans. It will just help us better prepare, so we are not blind sided like we were with Hattie.  But, like I’ve said in the past, we won the lottery with Hattie... so the chances of something like that happening again are slim to none.

            Thank you to everyone who has reached out, over the past couple of weeks! We feel the love! We would appreciate prayers, as always, for a continued healthy pregnancy!

So…What’s new with Hattie?

Well… on Christmas day, we had a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE happen! Hattie started to sit up! When I say sit… I mean she supported herself sitting for maybe 1-2 minutes, with one of us sitting closely behind her to make sure she doesn’t fall. We still have a long way to go with this, but this is definitely a great start!

Hattie is really starting to play with her toys, and have opinions on which ones she prefers. In therapy, we are working on making choices. So, I’ll show Hattie either a book or a rattle and ask her which one she wants to play with. Whichever toy she looks at the longest, is the one that I’ll give to her. The ultimate goal with this is for her to eventually reach and grab the toy that she prefers. So far… Hattie REALLY loves her iPad, and an orange cup that we play with in her sensory bin.

Our NuMotion Rep is coming on Tuesday to bring a stander for her to try out. Hattie got her little princess shoes (SMAFOS) so she can work on standing in her stander soon. Hopefully our actual stander will get here soon so we can start working on this! For those of you that don’t know what I stander is…. Here’s a picture for reference!

Thanks again for all of the love and support!!!

-Abby & David